Live Well With Sarcoidosis

 The Life & Breath Foundation wants to help empower those living with sarcoidosis. We know you can't do it alone. Below are links to vital resources to help you understand sarcoidosis and live well.

Navigating Sarcoidosis

Medically complex and incompletely understood, sarcoidosis presents physicians with medical mysteries and patients with everyday challenges.

Individuals with sarcoidosis, however, can optimize their health care and their quality of life. It hinges on becoming an informed and tenacious advocate for your own medical care, and a thoughtful, compassionate manager of your day-to-day life.

“Navigating Sarcoidosis”: A panel of experts lead a discussion regarding the path of sarcoidosis patients who struggle with the disease

Healthy Living Resources

Everything you need to know about self-care, nutrition, and more.

Assessment Forms

Tools to keep your health records organized all in one place.


Learn about the fundamentals of healthy eating and foods to eat to reduce inflammation.